I am going to try to do a quick overview of the last few months since I have not updated for a while.
November/December was spent getting ready for our big move from warm weather to cold weather. It was a bit of a shock for the kids but they adjusted fairly well. Logan better than Ashley. Ashley did not like being cold and would refuse to walk on her own while out in the cold. Logan keeps wanting winter to come back so he can play in the snow. Here is a pick of the kids outside in the snow.
January we moved into our new place without much furniture (it wouldn't arrive until the beginning of February). Since we knew that we wouldn't have furniture for a while and we were not going to have Ashley sleep in the crib anymore, we had my Uncle Tom make the kids bunk beds. Ashley loves being able to crawl up in her bed whenever she wants and will even lay herself down for a nap if she is really tired.
February we got all of stuff from the movers so most of the month was devoted to unpacking and putting away all of our stuff. We also spent the month trying to get a routine down since Logan started school at the end of January. Along with going to school we started to get more colds circulating around our house.
March we took a trip to Richmond to go to the Children's Museum. The kids had a blast being able to go to all the different stations and play with the toys. Logan really liked the car garage station because it was as if he was fixing a real car. Ashley really like the Little Farm area because she could run and play with all the toys (and not be restricted on where she could go since it was a gated area). She also really like the slide and using the bar above the slide to swing on.
so will you be posting about Ashley's birthday in July?? Just trying to get a feel for when to look for it ;)
I am hoping next week after her doctor's appointment.
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