Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 26, 2009

Are we related or what?

Ashley 6 months

Logan 7 months

6 month check-up

Ashley had her 6 month check-up today. She now weighs 14.12 lbs and is 26 inches long. The doctor was happy with this because she moved from the 10th percentile for weight to the 18th. She is still on the low end but she is moving up. The doctor also said to cut back on her milk and increase her solids. I don't know if I will cut back on the milk but I will increase her solids because she always seems hungry. This past weekend I started giving her cereal twice a day. Next week we will start with veggies.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

6 months

Ashley is now eating cereal. She is not the biggest fan of it. We started off with rice cereal for the first week but after fighting with her for a couple of days we switched to oatmeal. She is doing better with it. Logan didn't really like the rice either but loved the oatmeal.

Ashley has been moving around a lot more lately. We will lay her down on the floor and not long after she has rolled over to her tummy and spun herself 180 degrees. She is really starting to get around. She is able to push herself backwards as she is spinning herself around. Sometimes she pushes herself into places she can't get out of (see photos below). Ashley loves exploring her little world and tries to get ahold of any toy that she can. Then, she proceeds to put it directly in her mouth. So I have been trying to keep a closer eye on what toys are on the floor and in her reach but Logan makes this process a little difficult sometimes. He likes to occasionally share his toys with his sister and gives her the toys I don't want her to have in her mouth.

We won't know how much she weighs or how tall she is until next week at her appointment. Hopefully she is where she needs to be since her growth curve was a little off last time and the doctor was going to see where she fell this time.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


This weekend the Thunderbirds were in town. We decided to go out and see the show. We ended up watching the show in the parking lot by our car since we were running a little late. This ended up being a good thing because we left Ashley in the car with the A/C going. After a while Logan ended up getting scared of the planes because of the loud noises they were making. So we went and sat in the car with Ashley. Every once in a while when they would fly low, Logan would get scared but I assured him that we were safe in the car. After watching the Thunderbirds we went and walked around to look at all the different planes that they had out on display. Overall it was a good day and they put on a great show.

Friday, September 18, 2009

5 months

Ashley is now 5 months old. My time does fly. Currently Ashley is trying to sit up on her own. She is not very good yet but we prop her up with pillows or sit her on the couch next to us. She likes being able to sit up and look around instead of laying on the floor. Something she has been doing is playing with her rattles. If she drops it, she tries to pick it back up so that she can play with it again.

The last few weeks Ashley has become really playful. She really likes it when people make funny faces or even just talk to her. You know that she is happy because she gives you this big smile and then lets out a high pitched squeal. Also, she likes to try to reach out and grab you. Logan, Ashley and I play a game where I hold Ashley, help her touch Logan and say "got you." This is now Logan's favorite thing to do. He will come up to Tim and I, say got you and laugh. The other day Logan, Ashley and I were sitting on the couch (Ashley was working on her sitting skills) when Ashley reached out and grabbed Logan's shirt by herself. Logan didn't quite know what to think of this and gently tried to pull away from Ashley.

Ashley is learning that being on your tummy is not so bad. She started rolling from her back to her tummy a few weeks ago and it started to disrupt her sleep. We have been trying to show her how to roll from her tummy to her back but she has not caught on to the concept yet. So for now she has been spending more time on her tummy because she put herself that way.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Life is a beach

Ashley finally got to go to the beach. It had been almost 6 months since Logan and I had been to the beach. Ashley did not seem to mind it very much. She spent most of her time in the carseat since she is not able to sit up on her own yet. But when I stuck her feet in the sand, there were no complaints. She didn't even seem to mind when Logan threw sand at her while she was in her carseat.

Logan's day at the beach was interesting. When we first got there and started walking through the sand, he didn't like it very much because the sand was sticking to his legs and feet. But after 10 minutes or so, he decided that sand was fun to play in. By the end of our day he was covered head to toe in sand as you can see in the following pictures. I guess we are going to have to take him to the beach more often now and see if we can bury him in the sand.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

2 Year & 4 Month Photos

Here are the pictures we took for Logan's year photos and Ashley's 4 month photos.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Trouble Sleeping

Ashley has been having a little trouble sleeping lately. She usually sleeps on her side but has recently started to roll over more. This is not the first time she has rolled over but she has just been doing it more often now. This wouldn't be much of a problem but she does not really like being on her tummy for long periods of time. Also, when she rolls over her arm (usually her left) gets stuck underneath her. So needless to say her naps and sleeping at night have led to her being more tired during the day (and her mom as well).

Birthday Picture

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Logan

It was on this day at 9:15am (PST) two years ago that Logan joined our family. It has been so much fun watching him grow. He continues to amaze us. The other night he climbed up on a chair and stood on his tip toes in order to reach his bag of cars on top of the bookshelf. He was tired of having to trade cars to play with and wanted to play with all of them. We thought we had put them up high enough but Logan proved us wrong. Now the cars are still on the bookshelf but towards the back where Logan can't reach them unless he does some major climbing. Logan's vocabulary is increasing everyday and we are able to understand him more and more. We are looking forward to another year of adventures with Logan.

For those of you who read the last post. The first one is Ashley and the second one is Logan.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Who's Who

Here is a quiz for all of you. Can you tell who is who? Post who you think is who is who in the comments section. I will post sometime in the next week on which picture is Ashley and which is Logan.

Monday, August 10, 2009

You want to watch what?

Logan has a new obsession with Elmo. If he could he would watch Elmo 24/7. The other night when I was laying down with Logan before he fell asleep, Logan heard Tim laugh and this is the conversation that happened.


Yes, Logan daddy is watching a movie.


No, Logan daddy is not watching Elmo.

Tim still gets a kick out of this conversation. In Logan's mind all movies involve Elmo.

Pool Fun

I am really loving these new swim diapers that I bought. We have not had any messes to fully check out their quality. But for as often as we go to the pool (3-4 times a week), they were well worth the money. Yes we could just put a regular diaper on but it just fills with water. Also, the disposable swim diapers that are on the market cost $1 each. With these cloth swim diapers, I was able to buy 2 of each size (S, M & L) for a decent price and I just wash them with the swimwear when we are done. Well worth the money.

Logan really enjoys hanging out at the pool. He has really mastered using his tube to swim around the pool. Ashley doesn't mind the pool. She just sits in her tube or likes being held. This video is of Ashley's second time in the pool.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

23 months

Today Logan is 23 months old (almost 2 years old). It was about one year ago that Logan started walking on his own and has since turned that into running, jumping and anything else is tries to do. Logan has started to show his independence and when he doesn't get his way he either hits someone or cries if he is tired. It is all part of growing up.

Since we have been back, Logan has been sleeping in a big bed. We put our extra queen bed up against the wall and have pillows along the open side of the bed. We thought we would give this a try since we eventually want to move Ashley to the crib. He does pretty well but sometimes he gets put in the crib for a nap because he will not lay down on his own. Sometimes we will get an early wake up call because he has come into our room to tell us it is time to get up.

We have sort of started potty training. We bought some disposable training pants to try out (I have some cloth ones ordered). I have not been very diligent on asking him if he wants to try going but he will let me know after he has gone and we go sit on the potty anyway. We will try to work on that a little more as we get more things done around the house. If anyone has some tips please let me know.

Logan has been talking more and more every day. There are still a lot of times we have no clue what he is telling us but that is usually when he is saying an entire sentence instead of just a few words or short phrase. So we just go along with it and understand what we can. Hopefully in the next year we will be able to understand most everything he says.

5 Years

It is hard to believe that Tim and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary yesterday. We didn't do anything special since Tim had to work. We might try to do a dinner cruise or something next week when Tim is off if we can find a babysitter. I never imagined 5 years ago that we would be living in Hawaii with our 2 little cuties. Sometimes life just takes you down unexpected roads.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

3 months

Ashley is 3 months old today. It was exactly 14 weeks ago today that she officially joined our family. She keeps growing all the time. She has just started to wear 6 month jammies but still fits into her 3 month clothes but not for long. She loves to have people pay attention to her. When you play with her, she coos and talks to you. I think she is going to be the talker of the family. She likes to kick and move whenever she gets the chance. I will usually lay her down one way for a nap and when I go to get her after she wakes up, she has turned 90 degrees. She loves to watch Logan run around and get hugs and kisses from him. He is starting to enjoy her more and tries to play with her. Ashley is very good at holding her head up and likes to sit up (with some support) and look around.
For the last month or so Ashley has been sleeping longer at night. It started when we were back home, she would occassionally go for a 6 hour stretch at night. Now for the last 2 weeks she has been sleeping for 8 hours every night. She goes to bed anytime between 8 and 9 and will wake up to eat around 4 or 5 depending on when she fell asleep. Then she goes back to sleep for another 3 hours. During the day she just takes 3-4 catnaps of around 30-45 minutes each which is okay because she sleeps at night. Sometimes I think she would sleep longer during the day but Logan goes and wakes her up. I need to find the door knob safety latches since Logan is able to open doors now. Ashley continues to grow and amaze us everyday and we are so happy to have her with us.
Look how big I am getting

Close up

On my tummy

But not for long

Mom found toys for me

More Pics

Tim & Logan riding on a tractor.

Ashley, Aunt Sarah & Aunt Lisa

Ashley hanging out in her carseat at church.

Ashley being baptized.

Ashley's baptism

Pics from our trip home

Here are some family pictures from Jill & Kenny's wedding. Ashley is 2 months old and Logan is 22 months old.
Family Picture

Ashley & Aunt Jill

Logan & Aunt Jill

Tim & Logan

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Back Home

We have been back home for 5 days now. It was an interesting trip back home. The day before we were supposed to come back home, Logan got sick and we ended up taking him to urgent care because he had a temperature of 103. Logan ended up having a throat infection (we didn't have them test for strep) and the start of an ear infection. We considered not flying for a couple of days but I didn't want to fly by myself with the kids and have to pay for a ticket for Logan. The flight back home was fine. Logan's ears did not bother him from what we could see and both kids slept for most of the 8 1/2 hour flight.

After arriving back home, we got to move into our new place. Now we are in the process of getting the place the way we want it. Most of our stuff is still in storage because we want to paint while the rooms are empty. We have the bedrooms ready to paint. Now we are just waiting for an opportunity to paint (Tim not working while I watch the kids). Tim will probably get some painting done on Friday after he gets up from sleeping (he is working nights right now). After the bedrooms are painted, we will get the living room and dining room done. Then we can move all of our furniture in and go pick out living room furniture (we got rid our couch over a month ago). Once we get our place set up, I will post some pictures.

Monday Ashley had her 2 month check-up. She weighed 10 lbs 13 oz and was 23 1/2 inches long. Her length makes me wonder if the nurse at the hospital measured her wrong because she apparently grew 5 1/2 inches in just over 2 months. I have heard that babies grow about 5 cm in the first couple of months. Along with her check-up she got her first set of shots. She was fussy for about a day and then was back to normal.

Logan has been doing a lot more talking lately and communicating what he wants. Sometimes what he wants is not what we want to give him but once his mind is made up there is no changing it. Something else Logan has been working on is potty training. Every once in a while he will tell us that he needs to go and we set him on the toliet and he actually goes. It is a start. We aren't going to push it too hard right now since we are still trying to get settled into our place.

As for Tim and I, we are just trying to get stuff done so we can finish moving.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So many changes

Ashley has been growing like crazy lately. She is more alert during the daytime and has been doing better sleeping at night. I think her being more awake during the day is a combination of her getting older and Logan being loud with his screeching.

Here is a picture of Logan taking a nap. I think he still needs to be caged in a crib for a while longer since he is all over the place when he sleeps. Luckily he is not too far off the ground and a pillow is there to catch him if he does fall those 6 inches. Most days he would rather sleep in Tim & I's bed than his. Even though he is literally right next to me since when are all sleeping in the living room.

Logan loves to play with his chalk. This picture was taken when Logan got ahold of his chalk after leaving it out in the rain. It was extra messy and Logan thought it was the best.
As for our condo. Our closing date got moved yet again. First it was May 29th. Then June 5th and now June 10th. It is all because the state was baglogged on doing appraisals. So we ended up getting a storage unit for all of our stuff since we told our landlords we would be out on the 10th and we are leaving to come home on the 12th. Now we basically only have the essentials and we are working on eating the food we have in our freezer (just in case we don't close until the 12th, keep your fingers crossed). We are really looking forward to being done with moving and being able to come home and relax.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One Month

Ashley is now one month old and growing like crazy. She is starting to fit into her 0-3 month clothing. The pants/shorts are still a little big around the waist since she is not very chubby. A few days ago she sort of rolled over. She stiffens up while on her tummy and rocks until she is on her back. Logan did the same thing around 6 weeks. Ashley has started to sleep a little better at night. Once she goes down for the night (which can be a challenge some nights) she will sleep for up to four hours, eat, and go back to sleep for 3-4 hours. So now I am starting to get some good sleep unless Logan decides to have a rough night.

Logan has adjusted to not being an only child anymore. He likes to help where he can. If Ashley is crying and we have not gone to get her, he lets us know and goes over to her and gently touches her. He also likes to help feed her if we are giving her a bottle and will throw away her diapers after she is change.

Right now our house is in total chaos. There are boxes everywhere. We sold most of our living room furniture since it will not fit in our new place and we are using our extra bed as a couch until we move. Tim is ready to move right now but we don't get possession until the beginning of June. I am starting to look forward to our new place. I wasn't thrilled at first about moving into a smaller place but now I can't wait. It will be easier to keep an eye on two little ones since Logan likes to wander around and get into trouble.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ashley Rose

Home from the hospital.

Mom and Ashley.

Dad and Ashley.

Ashley all bundled up.
Saturday April 18, 2009 we welcomed Ashley Rose into our family. She arrived at 10:55 am. She weighed 7 lbs 14.9 oz and was 18 inches long.
I woke up Saturday morning around 6:00 am with contractions and timed them for an hour before waking up Tim. After waking him up, I watched him run around the house trying to get things ready. We called the pager for the midwife just before 9:00 and waited for a call back. At 9:15 we decided to drop Logan off with a friend and head to the hospital. At 9:30 the midwife called us back and told us to wait until the contractions were 5 minutes apart. We decided to go anyway. We arrived at the hospital around 10:00 and by then the contractions were 4 minutes apart. 55 minutes later Ashley was born. I guess it was a good thing we didn't wait any longer.
Now everyone is home and doing well. Tim is on paternity leave until next Wednesday. My mom arrived on Sunday and will be here for 3 weeks. She has been a big help by cooking for us and helping us with Logan. Logan has been a very good big brother. He gently touches Ashley and rocks her (with supervision) when she is hanging out in her car seat. He also likes to share his cars and toys with her. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and well wishes.