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Monday, August 31, 2009

Trouble Sleeping

Ashley has been having a little trouble sleeping lately. She usually sleeps on her side but has recently started to roll over more. This is not the first time she has rolled over but she has just been doing it more often now. This wouldn't be much of a problem but she does not really like being on her tummy for long periods of time. Also, when she rolls over her arm (usually her left) gets stuck underneath her. So needless to say her naps and sleeping at night have led to her being more tired during the day (and her mom as well).

Birthday Picture

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Logan

It was on this day at 9:15am (PST) two years ago that Logan joined our family. It has been so much fun watching him grow. He continues to amaze us. The other night he climbed up on a chair and stood on his tip toes in order to reach his bag of cars on top of the bookshelf. He was tired of having to trade cars to play with and wanted to play with all of them. We thought we had put them up high enough but Logan proved us wrong. Now the cars are still on the bookshelf but towards the back where Logan can't reach them unless he does some major climbing. Logan's vocabulary is increasing everyday and we are able to understand him more and more. We are looking forward to another year of adventures with Logan.

For those of you who read the last post. The first one is Ashley and the second one is Logan.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Who's Who

Here is a quiz for all of you. Can you tell who is who? Post who you think is who is who in the comments section. I will post sometime in the next week on which picture is Ashley and which is Logan.

Monday, August 10, 2009

You want to watch what?

Logan has a new obsession with Elmo. If he could he would watch Elmo 24/7. The other night when I was laying down with Logan before he fell asleep, Logan heard Tim laugh and this is the conversation that happened.


Yes, Logan daddy is watching a movie.


No, Logan daddy is not watching Elmo.

Tim still gets a kick out of this conversation. In Logan's mind all movies involve Elmo.

Pool Fun

I am really loving these new swim diapers that I bought. We have not had any messes to fully check out their quality. But for as often as we go to the pool (3-4 times a week), they were well worth the money. Yes we could just put a regular diaper on but it just fills with water. Also, the disposable swim diapers that are on the market cost $1 each. With these cloth swim diapers, I was able to buy 2 of each size (S, M & L) for a decent price and I just wash them with the swimwear when we are done. Well worth the money.

Logan really enjoys hanging out at the pool. He has really mastered using his tube to swim around the pool. Ashley doesn't mind the pool. She just sits in her tube or likes being held. This video is of Ashley's second time in the pool.