Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 31, 2008

9 month check-up

Today Logan had his 9 month check-up with the doctor. He is 29 inches long and is in the 75th percentile. He weighed in at 18 lbs 1 oz and is in the 25th percentile. That didn't really surprise me because since we have moved Logan decided he did not want to eat baby food and has become more active. So the doctor said that he is to not have more than 24 oz of milk a day and the rest is to come from solids. Which means that we have to be more persistant about the solids and possibly have to listen to more crying because he is not getting his way. I am not looking forward to this becuase I am usually the one who gives in first to the crying. We are supposed to go back for another weigh-in about 1 to 2 months from now to make sure he is gaining weight.

Not much else is going on around here. Logan and I will be home in less than a month for Sarah's wedding.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Going to sleep on my own

Now that Logan has become more active, he likes to play before falling asleep. Before he fell asleep this time I saw him reading his puppy book. When I checked on him 5 minutes later, this is how I found him. He really likes to read his books when he is in his bed. Little Quack is at the top of the photo.

As a side note, we have some permanent house guests. I am getting more accostumed to them even though I seem to find more everyday. Our house guests are house geckos. I first saw 2 of them about 3 weeks ago in Tim & I's bedroom. They kind of freaked me out at first but I am doing better now. We have 2 that live upstairs and 2 downstairs. They only come out at night and they eat the bugs. I have been told they are harmless and will not eat our food. So anyone who comes to see us, you will have to meet our guests if you can find them.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sweet Tooth

As you can see from the picture, Logan likes cookies. He doesn't like to eat most of his baby food (I can usually get him to eat his orange veggies and oatmeal). He will only take a few bites of his fruit and then he is done. He doesn't like to eat Cherrios. Occasionally he will put them in his mouth but spits them back out. He finds it more fun to pick them up and move them around. But when I give him a cookie, it almost immediately gets put in his mouth. Logan usually doesn't get to hold on to the cookie for long. Before it makes too much of a mess (and gets to soggy), I gladly take the cookie from him and eat it.

Friday, May 9, 2008

New Tricks

Logan has perfected his crawling and is showing some more personality. He loves to pound on the keyboard of the laptop. As soon as he sees Mom or Dad opening the laptop up, he is on the move to get to it. Once he gets over to it, we will block him from touching it and try to redirect him to something else. That only makes him more determined. Then if he doesn't get his way, he cries and throws a fit.

Something else Logan has been working on is rolling over. Every once in a while one of his arms will get stuck under him but he manages to break free. Now we have to be sure to put the crib railing up because usually when Logan wakes up from his nap, he is standing up and walking along the edge of the crib.