I don't know why people think they need to see how big my belly is but this post is for them. I know that I posted more on my pregnancy with Logan than with this one. It is probably because it is not new this time around and lately I just feel fat.
At my doctor's appointment last week I weighed 141.8 lbs and my stomach measurement was 32 (right on target). The scary thing about my weight is that when I started this pregnancy I weighed around 135. Most of that weight was because I was still nursing at the time. Once I stopped nursing and the morning sickness started, my weight went down to 123 over a 6 week time frame. But since then I have been gaining weight like I am supposed to and feel like I get bigger and bigger every day.
Now the big thing we need to prepare for our little girl is to get some clothes for her to wear. We have some sleepers that I need to sort through and some gender neutral clothes from Logan that I need to pull out. The other day we bought her an outfit to wear home from the hospital. I have been looking on Craigslist for some deals on girls clothing but haven't gotten around to buying anything. I want to go to some garage sales and see what people have. I will have to put that on my list of things to do this weekend if there are any good sales around.
Missy -
You look beautiful!
Also, I was nursing Caleb when I was pregnant with Hannah, and like you I was pretty sick 1st trimester. I lost about the same amount of weight you did, but I also gained it back later in the pregnancy.
By the way, I really like the Moby wrap. I think I will get/make one for myself. Just let me know when you want yours back - I could even probably send it with Beth if you want it right away. I appreciate you letting me give it a try!
Take care!!!
Yay! I didn't want to bug you about how things are going because I'm sure you get that a lot. So it was nice to see an update. Glad to hear things are going well!!!
how cute! people want to see baby bellies because they're adorable!
you can try freecycle central oahu. people put lots of good stuff on there to get rid of. (and it's free!)
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