Yesterday Logan turned 19 months old. He has had a busy last couple of weeks. He has discovered that he really likes to play with matchbox cars. With a total of 20 something cars (even though we can't find all of them because some may have gone in the dirty diaper trash without us knowing). He likes to drive them on the coffee table, couch and my stomach and tries to take them into the bathtub with him.
His other accomplishment is saying more words that we know the meaning of. For example: wich is sandwich, shoes, juice, uck is truck, us or ice is bus, helicata is helicopter, alk is walk. Then we have the words that make Tim and I laugh because they sound worse than they are. For example last night Tim got Logan to say the word ocean and it sounded more like oh sha. A word that he likes to say a lot is ash because he likes to do ring around the rosie but he tends to leave off the "h" when he says the word. But we are just happy that he is actually saying more words that we understand.
1 comment:
thanks for the updates!
i always LOVE your pictures!
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