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Monday, September 22, 2008

He did what?

A few days ago, Logan did something that was very strange. Since we let Logan roam most of the house on his own, he likes to go upstairs and stir up some trouble. Usually he will go into his room (the only one he has access to) and get his clean cloth diapers out of their basket and throw them all over his room. Well this paticular day there were no clean diapers in his room, so he went and got one of the dirty ones out. He decided to bring it downstairs to play with. It was only the outside of the diaper so I wasn't too concerned. A little while later that morning, Logan decided that it was time for his morning nap and fell asleep on the floor on top of the dirty diaper. Yes that is correct. The white thing underneath him in the picture is the dirty diaper. I guess I am going to have to keep a closer eye on him so that this doesn't happen again.

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