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Friday, July 18, 2008

Murder Suspect

The charge: Murder 1

The weapon: a whisk

The victim: a gecko

Yesterday I suspect that Logan killed a gecko. I saw him reaching under the couch trying to get something. I figured that he was trying to get a piece of food that had fallen. Then I saw him banging the whisk against the bottom of the couch. A few minutes later I saw him touching a dead gecko that was on the floor. Yuck. I quickly removed him from the situation and washed his hands. As for the gecko, I waited for Tim to come home and take care of. So Logan and I hung out upstairs and until then.

In other news Logan cut his 4th tooth yesterday. While we were home Logan learned how to clap and to wave. He is becoming braver everyday with his walking. He will take a few steps, stop and then take a few more steps before he sits down to crawl the rest of the way. His latest craze is to blow raspberries and to sound like an Indian by moving his hand over his mouth.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A New Look

We decided to give Logan a new look tonight. Before his bath tonight we got out Tim's clippers and chose the longest setting. We had given Logan some trims to get the hair out of his eyes but decided it was time to say good-bye to those long strands. The weather has been quite warm here and we don't have A/C. Logan would usually wake up from his naps with his hair drenched in sweat. This new look should be much cooler for him. Now he looks bald since his hair is so light and his ears seem to stick out more but we still love him.

As for our trip home, Logan did very well. We did have mishap in Chicago. When we were supposed to start boarding the plane, they came on the intercom and told us that the plane was having some mechanical difficulties and we would not be able to use that plane. Now they had to find us a new plane to go on or ways for everyone to get to their destination. Luckily they found a new plane for us and we ended up only having a 1 1/2 hour delay. That worked out well because Tim was flying a different airline than Logan and I and was supposed to get in an 1 1/2 after us. So we all arrived at the airport within a 10 minute time frame of each other. As for the flight, it was long but we made friends. There was a 12 or 13 year girl who was sitting right next to Logan and I, and she loved playing with Logan. Then there was the mom and 16 month old across the aisle and the mom and daughter in the seats in front of us. So once we had all of our luggage we said goodbye to all of friends at the airport.