I thought I would take a minute to show off our new flooring that we recently had done. We really like. For those who have visited us the tour will not come as a shock. But for those who have not been here, here is your chance to see the place (even though some rooms are messy).
The tour starts off in the living room/dining room area. We then proceed down the hallway with the kitchen on the left and going past the extra bathroom. Next is the master bedroom (which is quite crowded with furniture because we just don't have a lot of room). Finally is Logan and Ashley's bedroom.
Most of our construction work is done, we are just waiting for our vinyl flooring to arrive. All of our construction work started last Monday with the master bathtub being replaced. The faucet was starting to leak and the drain was corroding. On Wednesday they finished up the tub and started ripping out the carpet and replacing it with Pergo laminate flooring. The flooring was finished up on Friday. Finally on Monday they tore down the fence outside and built us a new one (since the association said it was our problem and not theirs even though we asked before buying). Now we should have all of our projects complete (before we move again next year).