Today Logan is 23 months old (almost 2 years old). It was about one year ago that Logan started walking on his own and has since turned that into running, jumping and anything else is tries to do. Logan has started to show his independence and when he doesn't get his way he either hits someone or cries if he is tired. It is all part of growing up.
Since we have been back, Logan has been sleeping in a big bed. We put our extra queen bed up against the wall and have pillows along the open side of the bed. We thought we would give this a try since we eventually want to move Ashley to the crib. He does pretty well but sometimes he gets put in the crib for a nap because he will not lay down on his own. Sometimes we will get an early wake up call because he has come into our room to tell us it is time to get up.
We have sort of started potty training. We bought some disposable training pants to try out (I have some cloth ones ordered). I have not been very diligent on asking him if he wants to try going but he will let me know after he has gone and we go sit on the potty anyway. We will try to work on that a little more as we get more things done around the house. If anyone has some tips please let me know.
Logan has been talking more and more every day. There are still a lot of times we have no clue what he is telling us but that is usually when he is saying an entire sentence instead of just a few words or short phrase. So we just go along with it and understand what we can. Hopefully in the next year we will be able to understand most everything he says.