Ashley has been growing like crazy lately. She is more alert during the daytime and has been doing better sleeping at night. I think her being more awake during the day is a combination of her getting older and Logan being loud with his screeching.

Here is a picture of Logan taking a nap. I think he still needs to be caged in a crib for a while longer since he is all over the place when he sleeps. Luckily he is not too far off the ground and a pillow is there to catch him if he does fall those 6 inches. Most days he would rather sleep in Tim & I's bed than his. Even though he is literally right next to me since when are all sleeping in the living room.

Logan loves to play with his chalk. This picture was taken when Logan got ahold of his chalk after leaving it out in the rain. It was extra messy and Logan thought it was the best.
As for our condo. Our closing date got moved yet again. First it was May 29th. Then June 5th and now June 10th. It is all because the state was baglogged on doing appraisals. So we ended up getting a storage unit for all of our stuff since we told our landlords we would be out on the 10th and we are leaving to come home on the 12th. Now we basically only have the essentials and we are working on eating the food we have in our freezer (just in case we don't close until the 12th, keep your fingers crossed). We are really looking forward to being done with moving and being able to come home and relax.