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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Growing & Playing

A lot has happened over the last few weeks. Logan has grown a lot. He now weighs in at 13 lbs 13oz. I measured him yesterday just to see how long he was. He is 25 3/4 inches long. Over the past month he has grown 3/4 inch.

Logan loves to play with his fishies and is discovering new things every day. One of the new things he likes is when you get down really close to his face with your face. Then he uses his hands to explore the different parts of your face.

Something new that we have done recently is switched Logan to cloth diapers. I have been wanting to put him in cloth diapers ever since he was born but decided to wait until I moved back to Iowa because cloth diapers get to be expensive when you have to pay $1.50 every time just to wash them (as long as the washer doesn't eat your money) and make sure no one is using the washing machine. We are still adjusting to the cloth diapers. We seem to go through more outfits because the diaper leaked than anything else. In the long run we plan to get a lot of use out of these diapers since they can be used for babies 6 to 35 lbs. Plus maybe once Logan is done using them, he can pass them on to a future sibling. For more info on cloth diapers we bought go to . We are using the one size pocket diaper.