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Thursday, October 25, 2007

2 Months Old

Logan is now 2 months old. Last week he decided that he did not like tummy time, so he rolled from his tummy to his back. He still likes to talk up a storm when he is in a good mood and has recently started blowing bubbles. This week at Mommy and Me Logan weighed in at 11 lbs 1 oz. Yesterday I did an informal measurement of him with the ruler and he is about 24 inches long. I now have him in 3-6 month clothing because of how long he is. Now he just needs to gain some weight to fill them out.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Back in Iowa

I just thought that I would update everyone on how we are doing since it has been a while. Logan and I got back to Iowa on October 7th. Last week we spent the week visiting people and trying to adjust to our new environment. We really confused people when we went to a baby shower for my friend Karen. She was holding Logan as people started to arrive and her sister was holding her son Ross who is just one week younger than Logan.
Logan has started to do a lot more talking and cooing lately. The other day he talked to Tim on the phone for about 5 minutes. Yesterday Logan and I went to a Mommy and Me class and learned how to do a baby massage. Logan also got weighed and is now 10 lbs 10.5 oz. He is getting bigger everyday and likes to kick his legs and swing his arms.

Tim arrived safely in Texas on Saturday. He stopped at the Grand Canyon for a few days and did some hiking. The first day he hiked 9 miles and the second day he did 16 miles. He was sore after all that hiking. Now he is just waiting to see when he will start his next round of classes.